Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Poetry Anthology from Incarnate Muse Press

Incarnate Muse Press is delighted to announce that the new poetry manuscript is finalized and ready to go to the printer!

I know the editors are pretty doggone happy to be able to say this
. It has been a long road to getting this one done, fraught with various personal impediments and many complete computer failures. (Now totally solved...I hope!)

This anthology is The Venomed Kiss,
Poems of Childhood Emotional and Psychological Abuse. It is not light reading. As Perie Longo, the poet and therapist who wrote our forward stated, "These poems are heartbreaking." But they are also often healing and redemptive.

Many thanks to Edward McGuire for all his computer and formatting work and sharp eye as we proofed and re-proofed this MS.

Michelle and I,
editors of Incarnate Muse Press

1 comment:

Prof. Charles Harkwood said...

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