Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wine Glass Painting Experiment #1

Instead of just settling for dinner and a video for our weekly girls' night, when Edward is off at band practice, last night my youngest daughter and I decided to try our hands at glass painting.

Pebeo Vitrea brand supplies from Michaels

My glass, done almost completely with the markers

They were a little too transparent for the clear glass, in my opinion. The paint was also slightly transparent unless applied thickly. Note to myself for next time: It might turn out better if I have a design in mind before sitting down with a brush in my hand.

R's glass, in progress

My daughter worked very diligently on her glass with the white paint and a small brush. At the end she added a couple of green dots with a marker, but requested that I get some of the metallic gold highlighting paint. It comes in a tube, kind of like gel icing; I assume it comes out thicker and is more opaque than the markers.

After my glass, I painted a white ceramic mug. The Vitreo markers showed up well on the white.

I like the little dots best.

This evening after my Italian class, we will heat set the glass and mug by placing them in a cool oven, heating to 325 for 40 minutes, then turning off and letting set a while longer while the oven cools. After that they will be good to wash and, most importantly, drink out of.

There is a lot of information about painting wineglasses on the internet, including several videos on youtube. Today I did some research, and we will be trying this again with some enamel craft paints for glass. I read somewhere that you should never mix the different brands of glass paints, but I saw a blog post about a wine glass painting party for a bridal shower (great idea!), and they used 3 different paints, evidently with no problem. I would love to be able to paint with the opaque paints, then use the markers for embellishments and lettering.

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